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Once upon a time, there was a talkative and opinionated boy named Andoy who enrolled in Raya for Kinder.
And everyday, he would talk non-stop in class (and at home) about anything and everything under the sun. But he wasn't very confident in speaking to a large crowd.
But one day, during his 5th grade, he was asked by Teacher Ani to give a speech in the forum Bukas: Conversations on the Future of Philippine Education.
And because of that, he was very nervous and iffy at first about the whole idea of presenting a speech in front of so many people. He thought for sure he couldn't do it. he thought hard about what his speech would be about and what important message he would like to impart on the audience about the problems of our youth and with our country's education. he spent a couple days feeling very anxious about his speech.
Until finally, he successfully presented his speech in front of a big crowd (albeit feeling nervous-nauseous a few hours before).
And from that day onwards, Andoy gained more confidence in speaking his mind and talking in front of a large crowd.

And the moral of the story is, sometimes it's easy to think you can't do something until you surprise yourself and discover that you actually can. Like they say, "It always seems impossible until it's done!"
