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Once upon a time, A quiet little girl named Nikki was told she was too young to be a first grader in her parents' first choice of school. They had to scramble at the last minute to find another school. Literally driving around with her, they chanced upon the Raya school and quickly inquired. As luck would have it, a spot was open but wondered how it would be like in a progressive school.
And everyday, Nikki would tell of the various things she and her classmates have done in school. To mom and dad, it didn’t seem like they were attending school at all but rather, just engaged in continuous play.
But one day, She signed up for the soccer team which led to a whole different level of play. 
And because of that, She learned the value of team work, fair play and sportsmanship. She realized her own strengths and limitations as a team mate and friend that she grew confident to engage and express herself with her peers, teachers, and family. She also became mindful of courtesy and respect for others.
Until finally, Nikki knew and accepted that people can be different from her yet not any less than her. 
And from that day onwards, Nikki has made friends, each unique in their own way, and yet bonded so strongly that their friendship will carry them through high school and life.

And the moral of the story is, Never doubt that serious lessons could be learned through play (!)
