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Elias, who only knew his nanay as his companion and playmate, was suddenly brought into this class of 6-7 other nursery Pawikan students under Teacher Ruth. It was his FIRST day in his FIRST school.
For the next 2 weeks, he would cry and cling to his nanay when he was left in school -- his only comfort was when his nanay would leave her ID picture with him so he can let go of her, with the promise that she will come back as quickly as she can.
Elias' family had to transfer to a far place and leave Raya. Almost 2 years passed and the new school was never the same for Elias. In Raya, Elias can be himself and the teachers understood him.
One day his nanay decided it was time to leave that far place and go BACK. Back to where they should be...back to Raya.
Elias felt more at home now -- greeted by familiar faces of his old classmates and teachers. Here is a place where he can be himself again and MORE.
He discovered that with perseverance and hard work he can be good in sports, he can be good in chess and card games, he can be funny and make the whole class laugh, he can be expressive and creative through art, and most of all -- he can be a good friend and brother.
Elias, who used to be a very shy, cautious and fearful boy, someone who's not sure of himself and was afraid to make mistakes -- became a BRAVE but sensitive and confident yet caring young man. Elias, can do ANYTHING that he puts his mind to....he just needs to be reminded that he CAN do it :) It takes a village to raise child'' and the Raya community -- students, teachers and parents help a LOT in shaping who these kids are today. 

As Elias' nanay and sole parent, I can't thank you enough for all the help, love, support and commitment that the Raya community has given him and our family. We will be forever grateful to YOU ALL!!
