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Once upon a time, a fun loving, happy go lucky, carefree Gabi entered Raya as a Prep student.
And every day the school became his world and he was happy just by being with his friends and the fun they were all having.
But one day Gabi was exposed to public school students, and the Lumad kids, and former political detainees, and the Bridge children and other less privileged members in the community.
And because of that he began to ask questions about injustice and inequality in society.
And because of that he began to be more concerned about the plight of others.
And because of that he learned to reach out to those who are more in need.
Until finally he realized that it’s everyone’s duty to not just know, but indeed love and serve the less fortunate.
And from that day onwards he has become more aware of the injustices going on around him and he now tries in whatever little way to be of more service to others.

The moral of the story is that education should go beyond just imparting knowledge, Education should inspire behavior. To educate is to also help form a person as a caring and responsible member of one’s community and of one’s country.
