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Once upon a time, A young boy named Andrew enrolled in Raya for Prep school
And everyday, He would cry and not let go of his mom's legs as he enters the school gate.
But one day, He was drafted to be one of the Razkals.
And because of that, He looked forward to be with his Razkal friends. He found out that he got some skills in his new-found-sport. He was placed in a position to lead, having made a co-Captain of the team.
Until finally, His training with the Razkals made him relate with others better, and to stand up for his friends.
And from that day onwards, He valued his friends (sometimes more than his studies) and their friendship. He and his friends grew up to be brothers.

And the moral of the story is, Value the people who comes to your life. "A friend loves you all the time, but a brother was born to help you in times of trouble." (Proverbs 17:17)
