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Once upon a time, Melo, a quiet boy who's used to playing mostly with adults, finally went to school in Raya.
And everyday, he would have stories of near-fights because of bullying to go with the great ones with friends.
But one day, he joined the Raya Football Team.
And because of that, he made new friends, even with the other kids he didn't get along with before. They all became close. he gained confidence and started to be more actively involved in school activities, not just in sports. the teachers discovered his other qualities like leadership.
Until finally, he decided he can do better for the school by being a part of the Katipunan. He ran for Supremo and won.
And from that day onwards, he acted more matured and more responsibly, knowing the little brothers and sisters in school look up to him.

And the moral of the story is, school is not only academics. Many more important things are learned outside the classroom. So, let the kids join as much as they can.
