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Once upon a time, Ruth was a very young 5-year old who entered her new school at Raya.
And everyday, she looked forward going to school and playing with her new found friends.
But one day, her Dad died in the line of duty.
And because of that, our family life was turned upside down. we needed to heal and find our way back into being a family again. we remembered all the good memories that we built as a family. We fondly remembered the last family activities that we had together---the Raya Family Day and the day when her Dad explained to her classmates what it was like to be a soldier.
Until finally, we found ourselves whole once again. Ruth found a new love and passion for music.
And from that day onwards, She continued honing her craft in playing her guitar with love and dedication.

And the moral of the story is, Even the darkest days will pass.
