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Once upon a time, a very quiet and self-conscious boy got forced into the Raya School for Prep. And everyday, he would go on his quiet way to school, do his work, and not bother anyone, and made friends among his classmates.
But one day, he tried out for the Hinabing Haraya cast. He got a role in the annual play and got direction from Tito Nor. He surprised his early grades teachers, found his voice, and made more friends from the whole school. He even tried participating in the student government. 
Until finally, he surprised himself, by being able to do all he put his mind into, and discovered that he can learn a lot from school and his friends.
And from that day onwards, Viggo was more open -- maybe even outspoken? -- and participated more.

And the moral of the story is that you should dare to do things, and not let fear or expectations hobble you to experience as much of life as you can.
